Every man alone is sincere. At the entrance of a second person, hypocrisy begins.
( Ralph Waldo Emerson)
Gisele Honscha. 23 anos. Entre Pelotas e Porto Alegre. Formada Jornalismo, Publicidade & Propaganda, e Letras - Inglês. Fã de The Gathering, Portishead, Lacuna Coil, Within Temptation, Alice in Chains, Blind Melon, Dr. Sin, Angra, Tom Bloch, Ítalo Calvino, Luís Fernando Veríssimo, Shakespeare e Cibercultura. Praticamente casada com o Rodrigo. Grávida. Nerd & Proud. giseleho@hotmail.com
Every man alone is sincere. At the entrance of a second person, hypocrisy begins.
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